An immersive ritual-performance and five-course dinner-party, *The Shabbos Queen* is a new, queer take on an ancient Jewish ritual: Shabbat. With inspirations ranging from Barbra Streisand to Sade to Kabbalah, *The Shabbos Queen* creates a sweet and kind-of sexy stop from the fast-paced world, providing a portal into what Abraham Joshua Heschel calls "The Palace in Time." It's an everybody-welcome evening for unwinding, dreaming and togetherness, offering a taste of the paradise to come.
Originally funded by the Berlin Senatsverwaltung fur Kultur und Europa in 2017, it's been presented in Amsterdam, Berlin, Boston, Brooklyn, Krakow, Philadelphia, Vancouver, Miami, Tel Aviv & on Zoom.
Created & Hosted by: Stuart B Meyers
Developed with support from: Maxwell McCarthy & Laurie Young
Costume by: Claudia Hill Created in KuLe Berlin
Filmed in Berlin (2017), Amsterdam (2019) & Vancouver (2022)